Time is the magnitude or physical quantity that continually increases in value due to becoming. In the sound-time analogy, sound is characterized by having 3 qualities: tone, intensity and timbre. Time also has 3 qualities: becoming, duration and units of measurement. Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. Duration (Alpha and Omega) is the interval between two sequential moments, one of which is the beginning and the other is the end. Units of measurement are periodic phenomena. Periodic phenomena are those that always repeat in the same order and have the same duration. These can be natural (year and day) and artificial (month, week, hour, minute and second). Of the 3 qualities of time, only becoming is perceptible. They are all objective because time does not require an observer to exist as Aristotle believed.
Elvis Sibilia, Florida, United States