"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Sunday, October 6, 2024



 Time is the magnitude or physical quantity that continually increases in value due to becoming. In the sound-time analogy, sound is characterized by having 3 qualities: tone, intensity and timbre. Time also has 3 qualities: becoming, duration and units of measurement. Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. Duration (Alpha and  Omega) is the interval between two sequential moments, one of which is the beginning and the other is the end. Units of measurement are periodic phenomena. Periodic phenomena are those that always repeat in the same order and have the same duration. These can be natural (year and day) and artificial (month, week, hour, minute and second). Of the 3 qualities of time, only becoming is perceptible. They are all objective because time does not require an observer to exist as Aristotle believed.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, United States 

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Time is the magnitude or physical quantity that: 

1) It increases continuously because becoming is unstoppable. The material basis of time is becoming. 

2) It is measured through periodic phenomena. Periodic phenomena are those that always repeat in the same order and with the same duration. 

3) It is imperceptible. The moments are sequential and are not perceived simultaneously. We can only intuit time. Intuition is the mental faculty of suddenly perceiving an object or its qualities through reflection. 

4) It is objective. Time exists without the need for anyone to measure it, as Aristotle thought. Time is present in all areas of reality. 

This is the conclusion that the Philochrony offers about the true nature of time. The concepts of becoming-time and magnitive time are derived from the nature of time.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, United States 

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. The forms of becoming are duration, time and eternity or religious 

 Duration is the becoming delimited by a beginning and an end. Time is periodic becoming. Eternity is becoming without end. According to Religion, with death we go from time to eternity. Over time we obtain the units and measurements of duration.

 The forms of becoming are equivalent to:

 1) The forms of knowledge: sensory and rational 

 2) The states of matter: solid, liquid, gas and plasma 

 3) The forms of movement: rectilinear and curvilinear

 For some people time is a human construct (it does not exist), but time is based on becoming which is real and tangible.

 To know and accept these ideas is to be in harmony with the universe.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, Estados Unidos 

Sunday, May 26, 2024


he first stage of time abstraction is duration. This entire process occurs from becoming (changes). Duration is the interval between a beginning moment and an end. The second stage of abstraction is the establishment of time units. For example, the duration of the Earth's rotation is one day. After a mathematical procedure, the day is divided into 24 parts which are made up of hours.

The third stage of time abstraction is the physical and tangible symbol of the clock.
Although the abstraction of time is carried out by the subject, it is objective and based on the becoming. Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. Becoming is concrete and tangible. Time exists in clocks and in periodic phenomena.
Through these three stages we arrive at the knowledge of time.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, United States


Abstract entities are those perceived indirectly through symbols. These entities can be objective and subjective. Subjective abstract entities are those that each person has their own interpretation of. For example, love, happiness, beauty, humility, justice, etc. Objective abstract entities are those that all people have the same interpretation. These are the mathematical entities: numbers, geometric figures, space and time.
It seems as if time were an abstract, subjective entity because each person has their own interpretation of it. But the truth is that time is an objective abstract entity. The past and the future fulfill the same interpretation as that of time.
Time is represented by a straight line and its measurements. For example, the year 1963 is the past and the year 2030 is the future.
The timeline is:
Past ....................Present...... Future
The goal of Philochrony is to demonstrate that time is objective and a mathematical entity.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida,  United States

Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Three questions about time

1- What do clocks measure?

Clocks measure continuous intervals of equal duration, that is, time. When the clock synchronizes with the rotation of the Earth, it tells us the time of day. Time is the tool (periodic becoming) with which we measure the duration of things and determine when events occur. Time and the clock combine to give real existence to the former.

2- How does time work?

Time is the interval between two sequential moments, one of which is the beginning and the other the end. Time interacts internally with matter causing development, aging, material deterioration and the replacement of the old by the new. In the Theory of Relativity, high speed interacts with the matter of the moving body causing time dilation.
Stopwatches and timers also measure time.

3- Why time is magnitive?

Time cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be touched, but it is measurable, for these reasons time is magnitive. That is why we conceive time as a physical measure or magnitude. Some authors believed that time was simply a measurement, including Aristotle. This great thinker believed that time exists because there is an observer who measures it. Magnitive time is objective, subperceptible and measurable.


 Philosophy and its branches

Philosophy is the form of social consciousness that pursues true knowledge through reflection and intuition. The methods of philosophy are reflection or self-knowledge and intuition.
Philosophy is the mother of all disciplines. Some disciplines have become independent and have become sciences. Psychology grew out of philosophy and became independent of philosophy in 1879 with Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory in Leizig, Germany.
The disciplines that have not yet departed from Philosophy are: Logic (the study of reasoning) and Gnoseology (Theory of knowledge). These two disciplines are from the realm of thought. Ethics (Morals) and Aesthetics (beauty) are in the realm of values. Ontology (the study of being) and Metaphysics (the study of what is) are in the realm of Being.
The most recent philosophical discipline is Philochrony, which deals with the study of the nature of time.
Even Isaac Newton's major work is called Natural Philosophy.