"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The philochroanalysis is the philochron analysis of reality.

The reality is composed for beings and phenomena. Beings (as well as living and nonliving) are classified in bodies and objects, and phenomena are continuous changes experienced for beings. The phenomena form a continuum. The becoming (to become, to be born) gives origin to all beings and phenomena and time supports their continuity in the reality.

As I explained in another message we count time taking for reference uniform regular periods. The duration (subjective) is the elapsed time in an interval a-b (moments) abbreviated d = t, a-b.

The process of philochroanalysis is as follows:

becoming-being-phenomenon-time-ending (phenomenon or being)
............... beginning (of the being or the phenomenon)

Friday, December 6, 2013



a) To count: The subject counts objects, events and periods one by one or in groups. These periods may seem to the subject shorter or longer according to his/her age or experience. This subjective assessment is duration.

b ) To measure: The subject applies the method of comparing an amount with a corresponding unit in order to find out how many times the first contains the second .

c ) To calculate: The subject performs operations with numbers using the formulas of equations. The formulas are often used in Physics, Astronomy, Statistics, Chemistry, Economics, Accounting and Engineering.

The subject counts or measures directly or indirectly with the help of an instrument or not. The subject counts indirectly the days of the year with the help of the calendar. Clocks and timers count the hours, minutes and seconds then we interpret as duration.

To count is a form of quantification, but not a proper measurement. In the duration, subjective, we compare an interval with an unit of time. To do an objective measurement of the time this should be reversible, but that is impossible. We are limited to count similar periods and therefore we use the duration.

Friday, November 22, 2013


- When I refer to the time I think about the becoming-time or the objective flowing time.
- Space is the means that allows objects to acquire a certain shape. Space is more understandable than time.
- The philochron space-time is the combined means of three dimensions more the change (movement) that is present in the entire universe. The mass of a celestial body bends the philochron space-time around it causing gravity. This idea is a hypothesis taken from the Theory of relativity.
- The relativistic space-time is a four-dimensional object, because Relativity considers time as a dimension of space.

Figure 1:
There is only space and matter. The body "c" receives a force, but this does not move because there is no time.

Figure 2:
Where there is time there is movement. "c" moves from "a" to "b".

Figure 3:
Imagine a planet in a universe where there is no time. The space is not bent by the action of the star.

Figure 4:
Where there is time the star curves space.

I speculate saying that the big bang originated the time. Before the big bang, only the matter and the space existed.

Monday, May 27, 2013


"Dasein (German pronunciation: [ˈdaːzaɪn]) is a German word which literally means being there (German: da - there; sein - being) often translated in English with the word "existence". It is a fundamental concept in the existential philosophy of Martin Heidegger particularly in his magnum opus Being and Time. Heidegger uses the expression Dasein to refer to the experience of "being" that is peculiar to human beings. Thus it is a form of being that is aware of and must confront such issues as personhood, mortality and the dilemma or paradox of living in relationship with other humans while being ultimately alone with oneself."

Friday, May 24, 2013



The symptoms of the time syndrome or "aphilochrony" are:

1 - The belief in an immortal soul.
2 - The belief in an eternal life after death.
3 - The belief in reincarnation.
4 - Have the feeling of immortality in life.
5 - Try to do several things at once.
6 - The dream of time travel.
7 - Do not understand the becoming-time duality.


Someone has said (in Spanish): 
"Time is the comparison of processes of change. If the universe had a single watch would not have time."

To perceive time is necessary to compare two events that have a simultaneous start. Eg.: we understand when is 15 hours (3:00 PM) because we have compared the movement of the hands with the midday sun. The becoming-time duality meet what we have proposed here: the comparison of two processes of change.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


The pseudospace consists of those theoretical or artificial structures which have some similarity to ordinary space.

The pseudospace is constituted by the cyberspace, the relative concept of space-time and the transchrony. I only refer to the space-time and not to the whole Theory of relativity.

"Cyberspace is a word that began in science fiction literature in the 1980s, was quickly and widely adopted by computer professionals as well as hobbyists, and became a household term in the 1990s. During this period, the uses of the internet, networking, and digital communication were all growing dramatically and the term "cyberspace" was able to represent the many new ideas and phenomena that were emerging."


Sunday, May 19, 2013







Thursday, May 9, 2013


Published on May 7, 2013

This is another video of the series about Philocrhony (Filocronia). This video shows the composition of the vector of time: past-future direction (transchrony), module (t) and sense (before-after).

Category: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The term transchrony we use it for the first time on February 11, 2006, and did ​​reference to a system that represented graphically the characteristics of time and intervals.

The transchrony is the name of the apparent direction of time from past to future (P-F). All phenomena and intervals are included within the transchrony. After adding this item to the vector of time we have: P(B>A:t)F. In this formula we find the direction, the sense and the vector time module (t). The vector of time is not geometric, but philochronic.

Monday, May 6, 2013


As It is known to all, a vector is composed of a direction, module and sense. The direction is the orientation that the vector has, which is the same as the line where is founded, the module is its length and the sense is the place at which the vector points at.

By its nature (dual) the vector time only has module and sense because the direction is the product of an illusion. The sense is before-after or B>A and the module is the measure of the interval. So the time vector is represented as: B>A:t. "t" is the value of the interval in any unit and the ">" is the sense. Thus exposed, the time vector is not visual or geometric, but apperceptible and intuited.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


""Apperception (from the Latin, ad-: "to, toward" and percipere: "to perceive, gain, secure, learn, or feel") is any of several aspects of perception and consciousness in such fields as psychology, philosophy and epistemology.

In psychology, apperception is "the process by which new experience is assimilated to and transformed by the residuum of past experience of an individual to form a new whole." In short, it is to perceive new experience in relation to past experience. The term is found in the early psychologies of Herbert Spencer, Hermann Lotze, and Wilhelm Wundt. It originally means passing the threshold into consciousness, i.e., to perceive. But the percept is changed when reaching consciousness due to the contextual presence of the other stuff already there, thus it is not perceived but apperceived.

The term originates with Descartes in the form of the word apercevoir in his book Traité des passions. Leibniz introduced the concept of apperception into the more technical philosophical tradition, in his work Principes de la nature fondés en raison et de la grâce; although he used the word practically in the sense of the modern attention, by which an object is apprehended as "not-self" and yet in relation to the self.

In epistemology, apperception is "the introspective or reflective apprehension by the mind of its own inner states.""

From wikipedia

We perceive the material nature of time (becoming) and we apperceive its ideal or subjective nature (mnemonic illusion). In this apperception they distinguish past, present and future that make the apparent timeline (direction), and differentiate also (by intuition) time units with their multiples and submultiples.

In watches we perceive a becoming of periodic uniform rhythm that later we apperceive as time units.

Physics describes the becoming (movements), Psychology describes the perception and illusions and Philochrony describes the becoming-time duality.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


NATURE may be material and concrete on the one hand and ideal and abstract on the other one. The nature of the water is H2O, the nature of the light are electromagnetic waves, the nature of a television are electronic circuits accompanied by a screen. They are some examples of material nature.

The nature of numbers is to express a certain amount, the nature of goodness is to do good, the nature of justice is to give everyone what they deserve. They are examples of ideal nature. All values ​​are ideal nature.

Time is a DUALITY, has two natures: the becoming and a mnemonic illusion. As the becoming is very elusive, in our minds only remains a mnemonic ilusion of it. Despite these latest ideas, B-T duality (becoming-time) remains the conceptual representation of TIME. B-T Duality is a theory of time.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Of beings (objects and bodies):

We perceive their shape, size, weight and changes; We think their purpose and belonging and We intuit their essence with reference to what we perceive and what we think.

Of phenomena:

We perceive their intensity and evolution (becoming), we think their duration (time) and We intuit their essence.

Of entities (math):

We perceive their symbology, we think their value and relations and We intuit their essence.

Changes in beings constitute into phenomena. Entities lack of time, are timeless.

The B-T Duality has a perceptible component (becoming) and a thinkable component (time).

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Philochronize is the verb that encompasses a series of actions by which we synchronize our minds in the time. Philochronize is the meditation that focuses on the passage of time. These actions are classified into three groups:

1 - When we see the clock time or the date on the calendar.
2 - When we plan our activities of the day or the month.
3 - When we listen soft music.

The benefits of philochronizing are:

a- To orient ourselves in time and to be in harmony with the natural cycles.
b- To use conveniently our free time and to know the precise moment in that we must realize our commitments.
c- To maintain a harmonious rhythm of our activities.
d- The soft music relaxes our mind and eliminates stress.



PHILOCHRONY is the synchronization of the mind in the time.


I have already referred several times to the clocks in this thread, once to the music and for the first time I define the concept of routine.

1 - Clocks: daily rhythm or rhythm for day. (Physics)
2 - The music: measured rhythm or rhythm for beat. (Art)
3 - Life: daily routine or routine for day. (Psychology)


"From French routine; a routine is a custom or habit acquired by repeating the same task or activity many times. The routine involves a practice that, over time, develops almost automatically, without reasoning".

The routine is the set of habitual activities that we do every day. These activities include: rest, food, work, study, entertainment, hygiene and physiological.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


The music is the harmonic and most obvious expression of the becoming-time duality. The pace (notes) is the becoming and the beats are equal to the intervals. The music not only combines sounds but also the silences or pauses. In general, the rest (apparent) is also part of the becoming with the changes. This can also check on the hands and digital clocks. The second hand does a pause between a tic and a tac, this is the second. In digital clocks hour and minute digits do ​​a pause of one hour and one minute respectively before moving to the next value. A time x of changes is equals to that same time of rest. 
In the next image each division of the scale is a beat or time interval.


"The movement is the trajectory of the mobile body, all positions from the beginning to the end of the movement. Time is all nows (current and past moment) of a given interval. As in the previous image, we perceive time in a succession of nows, all at once. That is the nature of time".

We have done an analogy between the movement and time, but there is a big difference between these two entities. We can repeat a movement and measure it several times, but this is impossible with time. We can recreate the same conditions to observe the movement, but we can not recreate the minute that it has happened. The mind reconstructs time as a sequential puzzle. With time we experiment mentally.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


For Heraclitus to be and not to be are identical, things are and are not at the same time because everything flows continuously. Later Parmenides criticizes to Heraclitus saying that to be and not to be at the same time is absurd. For Parmenides only exists TO BE, but is static.
Being exists, is now, but being is not static as Parmenides believed, but flows.



BECOMING ------TIME (duality)
...TO BE ........... IT WAS

Time is a way of to BE (becoming) that groups several nows.


The movement is the trajectory of the mobile body, all positions from the beginning to the end of the movement. Time is all nows (current and past moment) of a given interval. As in the previous image, we perceive time in a succession of nows, all at once. That is the nature of time.

Monday, March 11, 2013


The displacement is defined as the change of place or position relative to a spatial reference point. This displacement may be linear (1D) and curved (2D). The becoming or universal movement is the continuous change of some characteristic or property that bodies and phenomena experience in relation to a beginning or origin. The sound of a song is a displacement (spatial movement) that has a beginning, continuity or several nows and an end (becoming). Similarly a moving body in space presents a becoming. 

All the phenomena of nature, society and mind have a becoming. Time is the extension and measurement of becoming. Time = becoming (a-b). "a" is the initial reference moment (IRM) of the interval a-b.

The grandfather paradox (time travel) and the twin paradox are science fiction. The natural paradox of time suggests that continuity = several nows. It's a paradox because there is only one real now connected to other nows that were real.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dialectic (dīəlĕk`tĭk) [Gr.,= art of conversation], in philosophy, term originally applied to the method of philosophizing by means of question and answer employed by certain ancient philosophers, notably Socrates. For Plato the term came to apply more strictly to logical method and meant the reduction of what is multiple in our experience of phenomena to the unity of systematically organized concepts or ideas. Immanuel Kant gave the name "Transcendental Dialectic" (the title of one section of his Critique of Pure Reason) to his endeavor to expose the illusion of judgments that attempt to transcend the limits of experience. G. W. F. Hegel applied the term dialectic to the logical method of his philosophy, which proceeds from thesis through antithesis to synthesis. Hegel's method was appropriated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their philosophy of dialectical materialism.

From: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictiona...ectical+method


The becoming-time duality (B-T) is the natural expression of the dialectic in which the change (moving and activity) and permanence (extension of phenomena) are joined to generate transformations of reality or the universe. A person is always himself/herself (identity), but throughout his/her life undergoes changes that are going transforming him/her from child to old man/woman and passing for teenager and adult to death. Another example is the river. The river is always the same, but its waters are constantly renewing. In nature, also occur sporadic and periodic changes, but on the basis of a body or a phenomenon. Midnight and noon are periodic changes that occur in the movements of Earth (continuous or permanent). The eruption of a volcano is a sporadic change.

The purpose of this B-T duality is the replacement of old things for new things, constant updating, like in the river. The waters that reach the sea correspond to the past and the rains that will fall are the future.

In conclusion, the B-T duality is the dialectic itself.


It has been shown experimentally that clocks (GPS) are affected by the high speed. But, does it happen the same with the other things and people? So far there is no evidence that a person's physical appearance change when traveling at high speeds (astronauts). So, which is affected is the measurement or control of time, everything else remain equal (becoming). With clocks we take control of the passage of time, clock measures its own pace.

Aspects of the duration:

- Real becoming. It's absolute: irreversible and inexorable.
- Measured time. It's relative.
- Psychological time. It's subjective.

Duration is like a coin, on one side is the becoming and on the other one is the time. The mind has difficulty appreciating both sides at once. Duration is the 'phenomenon-coin'.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Consciousness is the faculty for which we realize things clearly. Consciousness can be immediate if we use the senses and mediate if we use the intelligence and the intuition. Although time is a physical magnitude we have no specific sense to perceive it.

The consciousness of time we get it from the way we measure it. In measurement of length we use a parallelism between the instrument and the extention measured. In measurement of time we used an uniform linear evolutionism (ULE). In the consciousness of space it's just enough to take a look at our environment to appreciate the length. In the consciousness of time we do a prediction of when it will begin or end a certain interval. We know when it will end an hour or how long it will last and act accordingly. The consciousness of time is immediate, although we use our expectations.

Enchanted wave used for the Mayans
(The Mayans believed that time was circular)


According to Aristotle's theory of to be in potency and to be in act, a tree (act) is a chair in potency, a seed (act) is a plant in potency, a clothing (act) is a shirt in potency.

"In some way, therefore, the potency is some form of not to be: it is not an absolute not to be, but relative, but that is as real as any other consideration that we can do of the substance."
From a source in Spanish.

For Philochrony there is not to be in potency, only potency (becoming) and to be in act (objects and phenomena). The tree is what it is and the chair (wood) is what it is; they are two different acts, both are particular manifestations of becoming. For potency is meant then, like the inherent property of matter to experience changes "becoming" which it is checked in everything (object and phenomenon). To be in potency is a possibility, not a reality. It is like a person who is millionaire in potency when plays the lottery.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Aristotle's theory of potency and act

Aristotle resolved the problem of permanence and change by introducing the factors of potency and act, which appear as matter and form. Act means full and perfect existence, as if the most perfect action of a thing is just to be what it is. Potency means what a thing can be, but is not yet in actuality. The real things of nature are composed of these two factors. They are in act, because they really exist. But their existence is incomplete, because they are subject to change, and so they have a potency to certain kinds of changes. The Greek word for act is energeia, and the word for potency is dynamis.

From: http://www.hyoomik.com/phi205/arche.htm

Looking up the TV off in my room I every time wondered why it was still there now, in the present?

For Philochrony potency is the becoming and the act are the objects, bodies and phenomena. Time is the permanence of an act in reality. Everything happens or becomes, nothing is left in the past and everything is moving forward.

Differences between Aristotles (A) and the Philochrony (P)

1 (A): Potency is the matter and the act is the form.
1 (P): Potency is the becoming and the act are the objects and phenomena.

2 (A): Change is the transition from potency to act.
2 (P): Change is the variation or activity and has duration.

3 (A): Change is sporadic.
3 (P): Change is continuous.

The act is a particular manifestation of becoming (potency). The TV remains there because it is an act. Act means fact or action, although for Aristotle was the form.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


1- How do we know that things last?
Because some start, others remain and others disappear.

2- Why do things age or deteriorate?
Because of the continuous becoming.

3- How do we know that time is continuously increasing?
Because it is measured in terms of the amount of occurrence of a periodic event or the amount of a fraction occurrence of the same event.

4- Is time travel possible?
No, because the past was real but is no longer anymore, and as for the future, we must go through all the moments sequentially.

5- Is space curved?
No, space has no form, we just measure it in three dimensions. Relativity bases its conclusion using the behavior of light "in space."

Friday, February 8, 2013


Inertia is the resistance of a body to change its state of rest or motion without the intervention of any force. But, to know whether a body is moving or is at rest we must use a reference frame. 

Becoming is the property of matter and bodies to experience changes (1). Changes may be continuous, sporadic or periodic (2). To realize these changes we only need to look at the body at two different moments or for a specific interval. This interval is expressed by the reference values ​​(duration). To know how much has gone on an event we should use the reference values​​.

A body can be at rest or in motion depending on the reference frame we use. The motion is relative. Time always goes by from a beginning to an end in one sense, It's irreversible. The "standard" reference value we get it from a continuous and uniform becoming.

Reference frames are applied to the motion (inertia) and the reference values ​​are applied to becoming. Although the movement is part of becoming.

(1) Contrary to the becoming are ideas (concepts and mathematical entities), which are immutable. Ideas aren't held neither to space nor time.

(2) Earth movements are continuous changes, midnight and noon are periodic. An earthquake is sporadic.

(3) The Philochrony is the theoretical framework used to explain the nature of space and time.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


The reference points are divided into reference frames (space) and reference values ​​(time). Reference frames are subdivided into inertial (if the observer is at rest or moves with constant velocity) and non-inertial (if the observer moves with variable speed or acceleration).

Reference values ​​can be:

- Standard: those we see commonly in clocks.
- Relative: those obtained at high speeds including c.
- Regressive: travels to the past.
- Progressive: travels to the future.

Although I believe that time travels aren't feasible, I've included them because some think so.


A reference point is the specific place or situation used to orient us in space or in time. Different to the reference points of the space, in time, reference points are constant flowing, changing.

Space (Reference frames or the position of the observer):
- Cardinal Points
- Geographical coordinates
- The corner between two streets
- A house or a building
- A house wall or object in it
- Others

Time (Reference values or the passed interval):
- Movements of the Earth
- Clocks and calendars
- Cycle of life, cycle of pregnancy, a movie, a song, etc..
- Others

Why reference values in time?

Thinking is the act of intelligence which is the ability to handle abstract symbols. We can think of time and intuit it (It exists) but neither represent it nor imagine it. Using a measure of time (value), e.g. 30 sec, we think and intuit that interval.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


The Philochrony is the theory that describes the properties of space and duration, and the relationships between them. Space is characterized for having extension and three dimensions (length, height and width). Duration is characterized for having becoming (continuous succession of changes) and one dimension (time).
Speed ​​is the magnitude that relates space and duration indicating the distance traveled in the time unit.

Do the trajectories exist in the space-time graphics really?

"You're still at 3 feet from me. Your "trajectory" in the space-time graphic is a straight vertical line shown in the figure".

X axis: distance (meters). Y axis: time (seconds).

The trajectories in space-time graphics are not real, they are only observable if the observer is outside of time, and no observer can be outside of time. In the graphic, the time of the observer and the subject pass equal, parallel. This also applies to the curvature of space-time graphic. The curvature of light when passes near the sun is a real phenomenon and different to the curvature of space-time graphic. The light is bent by the sun gravity. This is a spatial curvature, and not of the space-time.


"You're still at 3 feet from me (green). Your "trajectory" (red) in the space-time graphic is a straight vertical line shown in the figure".