"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dialectic (dīəlĕk`tĭk) [Gr.,= art of conversation], in philosophy, term originally applied to the method of philosophizing by means of question and answer employed by certain ancient philosophers, notably Socrates. For Plato the term came to apply more strictly to logical method and meant the reduction of what is multiple in our experience of phenomena to the unity of systematically organized concepts or ideas. Immanuel Kant gave the name "Transcendental Dialectic" (the title of one section of his Critique of Pure Reason) to his endeavor to expose the illusion of judgments that attempt to transcend the limits of experience. G. W. F. Hegel applied the term dialectic to the logical method of his philosophy, which proceeds from thesis through antithesis to synthesis. Hegel's method was appropriated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their philosophy of dialectical materialism.

From: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictiona...ectical+method


The becoming-time duality (B-T) is the natural expression of the dialectic in which the change (moving and activity) and permanence (extension of phenomena) are joined to generate transformations of reality or the universe. A person is always himself/herself (identity), but throughout his/her life undergoes changes that are going transforming him/her from child to old man/woman and passing for teenager and adult to death. Another example is the river. The river is always the same, but its waters are constantly renewing. In nature, also occur sporadic and periodic changes, but on the basis of a body or a phenomenon. Midnight and noon are periodic changes that occur in the movements of Earth (continuous or permanent). The eruption of a volcano is a sporadic change.

The purpose of this B-T duality is the replacement of old things for new things, constant updating, like in the river. The waters that reach the sea correspond to the past and the rains that will fall are the future.

In conclusion, the B-T duality is the dialectic itself.


It has been shown experimentally that clocks (GPS) are affected by the high speed. But, does it happen the same with the other things and people? So far there is no evidence that a person's physical appearance change when traveling at high speeds (astronauts). So, which is affected is the measurement or control of time, everything else remain equal (becoming). With clocks we take control of the passage of time, clock measures its own pace.

Aspects of the duration:

- Real becoming. It's absolute: irreversible and inexorable.
- Measured time. It's relative.
- Psychological time. It's subjective.

Duration is like a coin, on one side is the becoming and on the other one is the time. The mind has difficulty appreciating both sides at once. Duration is the 'phenomenon-coin'.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Consciousness is the faculty for which we realize things clearly. Consciousness can be immediate if we use the senses and mediate if we use the intelligence and the intuition. Although time is a physical magnitude we have no specific sense to perceive it.

The consciousness of time we get it from the way we measure it. In measurement of length we use a parallelism between the instrument and the extention measured. In measurement of time we used an uniform linear evolutionism (ULE). In the consciousness of space it's just enough to take a look at our environment to appreciate the length. In the consciousness of time we do a prediction of when it will begin or end a certain interval. We know when it will end an hour or how long it will last and act accordingly. The consciousness of time is immediate, although we use our expectations.

Enchanted wave used for the Mayans
(The Mayans believed that time was circular)


According to Aristotle's theory of to be in potency and to be in act, a tree (act) is a chair in potency, a seed (act) is a plant in potency, a clothing (act) is a shirt in potency.

"In some way, therefore, the potency is some form of not to be: it is not an absolute not to be, but relative, but that is as real as any other consideration that we can do of the substance."
From a source in Spanish.

For Philochrony there is not to be in potency, only potency (becoming) and to be in act (objects and phenomena). The tree is what it is and the chair (wood) is what it is; they are two different acts, both are particular manifestations of becoming. For potency is meant then, like the inherent property of matter to experience changes "becoming" which it is checked in everything (object and phenomenon). To be in potency is a possibility, not a reality. It is like a person who is millionaire in potency when plays the lottery.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Aristotle's theory of potency and act

Aristotle resolved the problem of permanence and change by introducing the factors of potency and act, which appear as matter and form. Act means full and perfect existence, as if the most perfect action of a thing is just to be what it is. Potency means what a thing can be, but is not yet in actuality. The real things of nature are composed of these two factors. They are in act, because they really exist. But their existence is incomplete, because they are subject to change, and so they have a potency to certain kinds of changes. The Greek word for act is energeia, and the word for potency is dynamis.

From: http://www.hyoomik.com/phi205/arche.htm

Looking up the TV off in my room I every time wondered why it was still there now, in the present?

For Philochrony potency is the becoming and the act are the objects, bodies and phenomena. Time is the permanence of an act in reality. Everything happens or becomes, nothing is left in the past and everything is moving forward.

Differences between Aristotles (A) and the Philochrony (P)

1 (A): Potency is the matter and the act is the form.
1 (P): Potency is the becoming and the act are the objects and phenomena.

2 (A): Change is the transition from potency to act.
2 (P): Change is the variation or activity and has duration.

3 (A): Change is sporadic.
3 (P): Change is continuous.

The act is a particular manifestation of becoming (potency). The TV remains there because it is an act. Act means fact or action, although for Aristotle was the form.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


1- How do we know that things last?
Because some start, others remain and others disappear.

2- Why do things age or deteriorate?
Because of the continuous becoming.

3- How do we know that time is continuously increasing?
Because it is measured in terms of the amount of occurrence of a periodic event or the amount of a fraction occurrence of the same event.

4- Is time travel possible?
No, because the past was real but is no longer anymore, and as for the future, we must go through all the moments sequentially.

5- Is space curved?
No, space has no form, we just measure it in three dimensions. Relativity bases its conclusion using the behavior of light "in space."

Friday, February 8, 2013


Inertia is the resistance of a body to change its state of rest or motion without the intervention of any force. But, to know whether a body is moving or is at rest we must use a reference frame. 

Becoming is the property of matter and bodies to experience changes (1). Changes may be continuous, sporadic or periodic (2). To realize these changes we only need to look at the body at two different moments or for a specific interval. This interval is expressed by the reference values ​​(duration). To know how much has gone on an event we should use the reference values​​.

A body can be at rest or in motion depending on the reference frame we use. The motion is relative. Time always goes by from a beginning to an end in one sense, It's irreversible. The "standard" reference value we get it from a continuous and uniform becoming.

Reference frames are applied to the motion (inertia) and the reference values ​​are applied to becoming. Although the movement is part of becoming.

(1) Contrary to the becoming are ideas (concepts and mathematical entities), which are immutable. Ideas aren't held neither to space nor time.

(2) Earth movements are continuous changes, midnight and noon are periodic. An earthquake is sporadic.

(3) The Philochrony is the theoretical framework used to explain the nature of space and time.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


The reference points are divided into reference frames (space) and reference values ​​(time). Reference frames are subdivided into inertial (if the observer is at rest or moves with constant velocity) and non-inertial (if the observer moves with variable speed or acceleration).

Reference values ​​can be:

- Standard: those we see commonly in clocks.
- Relative: those obtained at high speeds including c.
- Regressive: travels to the past.
- Progressive: travels to the future.

Although I believe that time travels aren't feasible, I've included them because some think so.


A reference point is the specific place or situation used to orient us in space or in time. Different to the reference points of the space, in time, reference points are constant flowing, changing.

Space (Reference frames or the position of the observer):
- Cardinal Points
- Geographical coordinates
- The corner between two streets
- A house or a building
- A house wall or object in it
- Others

Time (Reference values or the passed interval):
- Movements of the Earth
- Clocks and calendars
- Cycle of life, cycle of pregnancy, a movie, a song, etc..
- Others

Why reference values in time?

Thinking is the act of intelligence which is the ability to handle abstract symbols. We can think of time and intuit it (It exists) but neither represent it nor imagine it. Using a measure of time (value), e.g. 30 sec, we think and intuit that interval.