"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Sunday, April 19, 2015


φ = time per the increase of temperature. The philochrony is positive if the temperature increases and negative if the temperature decreases.


I've been thinking about the units of measurement for the new magnitude of philochrony (fi) φ = t . ΔT. I've seen some videos about the operation of the microwaves, electric ovens and refrigerators to perform the experiments. The formula has changed from φ = t . T to φ = t . ΔT so to cover a larger amount of thermal phenomena including an increase or decrease of temperature.

Let's consider these examples:

1- Positive philochrony: increase of temperature
- A cup of water is taken with an ambient temperature of 26 'C.
- The water is introduced in the microwave for a time of 3 min.
- At the end of the 3 min is obtained a water temperature of 78 'C.
- Calculating: φ = 3 min (78-26 'C) = 3 min x 52 'C = 156 min x 'C. In this case the philochrony is 156 min x 'C (positive).

2- Negative philochrony: decrease of temperature
- A cup of water is taken with an ambient temperature of 27 'C.
- The water is introduced in the freezer for a time of 3 min.
- At the end of the 3 min is obtained a water temperature of 25 'C.
- Calculating: φ = 3 min (25-27 'C) = 3 min x -2 'C = -6 min x 'C. In this case the philochrony is -6 min x 'C (negative).

Friday, April 3, 2015



hot ........ HEAT .......... cold body

The decrease of the entropy tends to thermal equilibrium. During the entropy work is generated. This is the second law of Thermodynamics.


.................. fluidity
----------------->> ----------------
past ......... present ........ future

One of the arrows represents the sense of time and the other one represents the fluidity or becoming.
Entropy is a phenomenon of Thermodynamics and philochrony is verified in all reality. In the entropy the bodies, hot and cold, are in contact; in the philochrony the present gets away from the past more and more.

In the philochrony:

1) beings and phenomena arise, last and disappear,
2) everything has a beginning and an end,
3) It is produced the aging and the material deterioration.

Elvis Sibilia


The First Cause of the Universe (CPU for its initials in Spanish) is the philochrony or philochron time. The force and energy are the Second Cause (CSU). The subject's action is the Third Cause (CTU).

.......... FOR EXAMPLE ...................... CSU
1- The food cooking .................. heat from the stove
2- The animal vitality ................ heat produced in the combustion of food
3- The light of a bulb ................. electricity 

In case 1 the food cooking depends on how long heat is applied. In case 2 the life of animals depends on the duration of production of heat due to food intake. In case 3 the bulb will emit light "while" It receives the flow of electric current.

The will and the subject's needs form the Third Cause of the Universe or CTU. Throughout time man has been building and developing different societies.
Another example of philochrony or CPU is the movement of the stars, where the CSU is gravity.

1- From this point of view time is considered as a tangible magnitude taking into account the effects generated indirectly.

2- Multiplying the time times a form of energy is obtained a new magnitude: The philochrony, represented by the greek letter fi φ. Its main equation is φ = t.T (time times constant temperature or average). In the case of the light bulb the formula is φ = t.V (V = voltage).

3- The traditional time is the duration magnitude and It is intangible.

4- The philochron time or philochrony is the amount of change (movement and transformation) and It is tangible indirectly.

Elvis Sibilia