"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Monday, July 15, 2019


Space is the freedom of bodies and particles to move in one, two or three directions. Particles seem to move in two directions at once.

Time is the freedom of changes or phenomena to exist, change or evolve continuously in one direction. The principle of freedom explains the arrow of time.

The principle of freedom is inviolable. No body can move in four directions and no change can return to its previous state. For example, a fried egg does not return to compose or a mature banana does not return to green.

The double continuity or C2 considers that time is a continuous variable that increases continuously due to the change.

T:C2 reads T is C2. T is time and C is change.

Elvis Sibilia

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


The philochroanalysis is the procedure that explains the different parts of the concept of time. Time is the duration of things (1), between a start and an end (2), in a certain physical state or situation (3).

1- Duration or becoming = continuous succession of a phenomenon. It is perceptible.

2- Magnitude or amount of time. It is imperceptible, but measurable and intelligible. We understand, for example, the difference between 10 minutes and one minute (the unit). We understand the difference between one year (the unit) and 100 years.

3- It is the material basis of time.

Elvis Sibilia