Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible moments that goes from the past to the future. Becoming is unstoppable and manifests itself in changes (perceptible). Becoming can be regular and irregular. The regular becoming or time is periodic and can be divided into equal intervals. For example: clocks. Time is magnitive, that is, objective, imperceptible (we know it by intuition) and measurable.
The irregular becoming cannot be divided into equal intervals. For example: rain and the life of organisms. We refer the duration of the irregular becoming to time for its measurement. Hence the importance of clocks and calendars. Time is the mathematical becoming; so to deny the existence of time is to deny reality. Time is a good tool to measure duration.
The irregular becoming is identified as Events and the regular becoming is Time. The principle of Forms of becoming applies in:
1- The origin of the universe.
Before the Big Bang there were only events and time originated with the BB. Abbreviated form: E - BB - T.
2- Space-time is the universe in all its extension and composition. In the universe we find celestial bodies, events and time. Some events are: light, gravity, black holes, etc. The periodic movements of the celestial bodies is time.
3- Speed is the relation between displacement (event) and time, that is, E / T.
Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA