"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Thursday, December 3, 2020


1- Flows continuously (changes)

2- It is irreversible

3- It is the reference for speed

4- It is imperceptible, but it can be visualized by means of the parallelochron.

5- It is transcendental (it transcends senses).

6- It is homogeneous. We may perceive an hour of fun different from an hour of work, but the hour lasts the same.

7- Indicates the physical separation between two sequential events. For example, a person at 10 years old is closer to birth than at 20 years.

The present moves away from a point or moment in the past. Another example: In one hour the Sun is placed in two different positions in the sky in relation to the Earth.


Philochrony is the natural science that describes the nature of time, proves its existence and teaches us to visualize it.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Thursday, November 19, 2020


The emergent refers to a system whose properties or processes are not reducible to those of its constituent parts.

The emergent properties belong to the system as a whole and not to its constituent parts.

Of time we perceive changes, but not their magnitude or quantity. We perceive changes, but not their duration.

It does not matter if it is absolute or relative, fundamental or emergent, dependent or independent of space, time is magnitive. This category does not have an opposite and is an epithet of time.

P. S.

1- Magnitive (from magnitude): something imperceptible that is known for its effects and its measurement.

2- Time is made up of changes and duration T (CD).

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Friday, November 6, 2020


Time is the physical quantity that separates two sequential events or moments. The past is invariable and the future is inevitable. These qualities inherent in time confirm its existence. Between two simultaneous events there is no time. Events can be independent or belong to the evolution of the same change.

For example, since the discovery of America (1492) to the independence of the United States (1776), "there is" an independent time. Since sunrise to sunset "there is" a time of evolution (day). Notice that I use the expression there be because time is an objective, but imperceptible physical quantity (magnitive).

With the measurement of time (duration) a space (1D) is represented that is occupied by the evolution of changes. Changes, as they evolve, fill that space (time).

The material basis of the measurement of time are periodic changes.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Evolution is the gradual development, growth or advancement of things or organisms.

The philochron evolution (PE) is the principle that reduces all changes to evolution (perceptible) and duration (imperceptible). The PE is present in all sectors of reality, natural and social.

There are two classes of PE: outer and inner. The outer PE can be monotonous and variable. The inner PE are the changes that matter undergoes at the atomic and subatomic level.

Examples of monotonous PE are: heartbeat, river current, etc. Examples of variable PE are: bird flight, human behavior, cloud formation, etc.

Let's think about a movie. The movie has an evolution and a duration (time). We perceive the evolution, but not the duration.

The measurement of time or duration is purely mathematical. Different from time are, for example, length (we see one meter) and mass (we feel one kg).

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


The concept of space-time originates from the multiplication of time times the speed of light (c), converting time into distance. Time is a dimension of space in the Theory of Relativity. This conversion was carried out by Albert Einstein to adapt his theory and make it appear credible.

Time has a sequential dimension: duration.

In the equation S = d / t the speed of light denatures space and time. This is like a chemical phenomenon. Space and time react creating space-time. Some ideas of Relativity are out of Physics. Something similar happens with Quantum mechanics.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Friday, October 9, 2020


We have that:

1- The time at low speed is TLS or abbreviated l.

2- The time at high speed is THS or abbreviated h.

3- An observer in TLS (A) and an observer in THS (B).

Relativity is equal to l - h. R = l - h

If l = 20 s and h = 8 s, R = 20 s - 8 s = 12 s.

If l = h then R = 0.

Relativity for observer A is the same as for observer B.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Philochrony predicts that:

1- No change no time.

2- Change is present in all areas of reality, from the macrocosm to the microcosm.

3- Time flows continuously from the past to the future. Continuity is the physical quality of time.

4- All beings (objects and phenomena) have a beginning and an end.

5- The duration of beings is measured by the regular time, which has an uniform rhythm and is periodic.

6- Time is magnitive, that is, objective, imperceptible and measurable.

7- There will always be people who doubt the existence of time.

8- Travel in time is impossible. We have had no visitors from the future.

9- No living being would survive traveling at a speed close to that of light (c).

10- The life of living beings ends with death. There is no life after death.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


Asexperia said: “Physics teaches us that time is a fundamental magnitude and that is relative”.

Bufofrog said: “Nope. Physics teaches us that time is a dimension”.

Asexperia said: “Time is a dimension in the Theory of Relativity and you have to use the speed of light (c) to convert time into distance. With spacetime Physics does not explain the nature of time. Physics just explains c.

Now we have regular and irregular (relative) time. By the way, the light year is a unit of distance not time”.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


- Asexperia said: “With regular time (uniform rhythm and periodic) we obtain the duration (measure) of all phenomena”.

- Write4U said: “However I am troubled by your assumption of "regular time". Regular in relation to what? Time is by definition a variable measurement and its "emergent duration" is governed by gravity and speed, which in turn are relative measurements.

The only regular time is associated with the existence of the universe as a whole. Newton's time

But afaik, there is no separate dimension of "regular" time which is used to measure events. As with all expressions in nature, time is a relative commodity. There are as many individual relative timelines as there are measurable objects and each is measurable only in relation to some extant "frame of reference". 

- Asexperia said: “Time is regular within an inertial frame of reference. The relative time is an irregular time and the duration of phenomena that have a beginning and an end cannot be obtained”.

Elvis Sibilia. Florida, USA

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Philochrony has gone through the following stages since March 13, 2009:

1- Becoming, duration and time

Becoming-time duality, duration-time duality.

Becoming was defined as the continuous succession of changes that things experience. Duration was defined as the interval between two moments of becoming. Time was the measure of duration.

2- Duration and time

Change-interval duality, regular periodic duration (time), irregular duration.

Duration was defined as the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end. Time was defined as the regular periodic duration divisible into equal intervals.

3- Just time

Interval, continuity is the physical quality of time.

Now time is defined as: a) the interval that relates physically two sequential moments of changes, b) the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end.

Stage 1 is no longer in effect. From stage 2 the change-interval duality is in effect.

Becoming is a philosophical concept that means the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state. Duration is the measure of time (age).

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


Periodic phenomena are the measure of time. Time is the interval that physically relates two sequential moments of changes. Physically because a state x of phenomena depends on the previous states. For example: A journey does not end if it does not start, passing through different places.

We do not perceive time, but we do perceive the effect of time on things, which are: aging, material deterioration and the replacement of the old by the new. Continuity is the physical quality of time and magnitivity its philochron quality.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Monday, August 31, 2020


In the timeline, the before is represented by the past (events that occurred) and the after is represented by the future (expectations of events). The before-after concept is a priori. A priori means regardless of experience, knowledge that is not acquired through the senses. So the a priori is innate or instinctive.

The mathematical concepts of space, quantity and eternity are a priori. In our experience through life we realize that things have a beginning, a duration, and an end (time). Also with experience we learn to differentiate distances and the size of things (space). The before-after concept is the first level of time.

In conclusion, experience provides content to the concept a priori before-after. The concept of time is a posteriori.

Now the formation of Philochrony has the influence of Aristotle, Isaac Newton and Emmanuel Kant.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Sunday, August 23, 2020


Objective: relative to the object. That exists independently of the subject.

Subjective: relative to the subject. That only exists in the mind of the subject. From the subject's opinion.

Magnitive: relative to magnitude. Objective, but imperceptible because it is sequential.

We perceive changes, but not time. We only see the present. We know time sequentially, as a process.

Note: scheme made in Paint.

In the clock or in the height of the Sun with respect to a point on the Earth we see a moment occurring continuously (measurement) of an imperceptible periodic interval (time). All of this is objective. Magnitive.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Saturday, August 15, 2020


The adjustment is the union of several pieces or elements that fit together perfectly.

SCIENCE                 PURPOSE

Psychology       personal adjustment

Logic                 adjustment of thought or reason

Moral                adjustment to do good and avoid evil.

Mechanics        adjusting the gear of a car

Clockwork        setting watches

Geography       spatial adjustment in three dimensions

Philochrony     temporal adjutment (time, date and transchrony)

Transchrony is understood as:

1- The conviction of the existence of time.

2- The acceptance of time as a subset of duration.

3- Understanding the magnitivity of time.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


In Philochrony time is the regular periodic duration divisible into equal intervals. Duration is the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end.

The existence of time is based on periodic phenomena, which occur every certain period or its phases are all repeated permanently and regularly. To deny time is to deny the existence of periodic phenomena. The ticking of clocks is an example of a periodic phenomenon. You cannot deny the existence of time simply because neither the past nor the future is real.


Duration, time and eternity.

Eternity is the existence of something without beginning or end.

Time is a subset of duration. Eternity is not subject to time.

I leave these three questions to ponder:

1- Does eternity exist?

2- Is eternity a purely religious concept?

3- Is matter eternal?

Elvis Sibilia, Forida, USA


 1- Object of study: nature of time.

2- Method: observation and register of the duration of phenomena.

3- Instruments: clocks, calendars and Chronology.

4- Verifiability: any researcher can verify that:

a) Time is the regular duration (uniform rhythm) divisible into equal intervals.

b) Time is objective, imperceptible and measurable (magnitive).

c) The timelines of phenomena can be unified into a single scheme (parallelochron).

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Saturday, July 4, 2020


These are the explanations of time offered by Philochrony:

1) The magnitive time (09-16-2017).
2) The change-interval duality (06-30-2019).
3) The indefinite parallelochron (02-24-2020).
4) The transchrony or portal of time (06-06-2020).
5) The definite parallelochron (06-20-2020).

Magnitive time gave rise to the other explanations.


All changes are represented in the parallelochron. Logically, Vx E Pc (for all x that belongs to the parallelochron).

Duration is the sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end. Time is the regular duration divisible into equal intervals (measures). In this sense, time is objective, imperceptible and measurable. Duration is a property of things and time is its measure.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


Black holes, wormholes, parallel universes and now time gates.

1) What is a time gate?
2) Do time gates really exist?
3) Are there one or more time gates?
4) Do particles move out of time gates?

The transchrony is the time gate where realization and remembrance take place. The beginning is the entrance to the time gate and the end is the exit.

The hourglass is the physical representation of the time gate explained in the previous message.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


There are thousands of definitions and meanings about the concept of time, but this magnitude has only one nature. For example, time is the physical magnitude with which we measure the duration of changeable things.

The nature of time is change. The changes of time or transchrony are:
1) Realization: from the future to the present.
2) Remembrance: from the present to the past.
3) Science-fiction: from the future to the past.

Clocks and calendars measure the changes of time directly and the duration of things indirectly. History is the study of the remembrances and Cinematography creates Science-fiction works.

To explain time Isaac Newton said: "Time is like an invisible river in which everything happens". This is a metaphor, but literally time drags everything that happens.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


a) The life of a person (changes): perceptible

b) The age of that person (duration): imperceptible and measurable.

Space-time relation:

* interval of space
** interval of time

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Saint Augustine said: "If nobody asks me what time is, I know, but if they ask me and I want to explain it, I don't know anymore." We all experience what time is, but it really is not easy to understand, and of course, it is not easy to imagine a world without it, since it would be a world without a present, without movement and without rest.

Physics teaches us that time is a fundamental magnitude and that it is relative. But Physics does not tell us what is the nature of time.

Physics manages time in relation to the movement of bodies in space.

For Philochrony, time is the sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a start and an end. The change-interval duality, the magnitive time and the parallelochron explain time.

Saint Augustine was aware of the existence of time, but He did not know how to explain it.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Time is irreversible and inexorable. Time is not only the measurementes done, but the phenomena that have duration. For two relative observers time passes irreversibly and inexorably. In this sense time is absolute. 

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


A parallelogram is a quadrilateral whose pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel two to two. Parallelograms are square, rhombus, rectangle and rhomboid. Parallelogram is a figure of space and parallelochron is a figure of change or occurrence of phenomena.

Parallelochron is a figure that has one arrow at one end and has two equal parallel longitudinal sides. On the left side duration begins and on the right side duration continues (arrow). One of the longitudinal sides represents the duration of irregular rhythm and the other longitudinal side represents the duration of regular rhythm (time).

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Friday, February 14, 2020


The parallelochron is the parallelism between the irregular time and the regular time (of uniform and periodic rhythm). All changes are represented in the parallelochron.
In the parallelochron we study time as we study the Earth on a map or a globe.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Saturday, January 25, 2020


I asked a friend if he believed in the existence of time. He replied that time is an invention of man. He was referring to hours, minutes, seconds and calendar. This is an example of the separation between changes and time intervals.

True, man invented clocks, but these devices work independently of their creator's mind. Magnitive Dualism admits the existence of both change and the period or time interval in which changes occur.

To deny time (intervals) is to deny that things have a start and an end and that duration can be divided into equal intervals. It is also to feed a feeling of eternity (a priori) rooted in people's mind.

For the philosopher Henri Bergson duration (changes) is subjective and rejected the mathematical time. Philochrony fuses the two elements of time: change-interval.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA


Common sense is the sum of all the senses. Common sense tells us that the Sun revolves around the Earth, when in fact it is the Earth that revolves around the Sun. Observations of common sense must be verified.

For example:

1- Time flows. (T)
Phenomena occur continuously from before to after.

2- Time is what clocks measure. (T)
In clocks we see a periodic phenomenon of uniform rhythm.

3- A minute of pain lasts longer than a minute of pleasure. (F)

4- Time flows in only one direction, from the start to the end of the events. (T)
The life of people (and all animals) runs from birth (start) to death (end), never the other way around.

5- Time is divided into past, present and future. (T)
Time is the dimension that organizes events in past, present and future.

6- Only present exists. (T)
It is true, but events could not progress without a previous past and a later future.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA