"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Thursday, September 10, 2015


According to Albert Einstein, time is what clocks measure. But time is an indirect measure because the duration of something does not affect directly the clock. The clock only indicates the position of the Sun relative to a point on the Earth. It looks like more a space measurement that temporary.

Reference Proposition: We see the becoming, we intuit the duration and time is intelligible. The duration is the increased existence of something.

Operationally time is defined as: "t is (d), i" that is read: time is the measure of the duration since a start time set.

1- The clock shows 10:37 AM.
2- We look the time in the clock.
3- We intuit the 10 hours since midnight.
4- We intuit the 37 minutes since 10:00 AM.
5- We think the time 10:37 AM.

Without step 3 and 4 we only see that the hands go over the graduated dial of the clock.


If we ask a group of people what do clocks measure? surely everybody would answer time. The point is that everybody could not explain what is time.

Time is the activity occurred (becoming) that separates two sequential instants (duration). In this definition that we have chosen it reflects that time is a duality: becoming-duration. The becoming is always in the present and duration relates two instants that can be both in the past or in the past one and in the future the other one.

Clocks work based on two elements:

1- a repetitive, constant and regular event (tic-tac).
2- a means that shows the increment of time (display).

The subject's chromnesia is a third element that establishes the relation between the two sequential instants or duration. Even being like that, time is objective but intelligible.

PS: The becoming-duration duality (time) replaces the previous becoming-time duality.


1- Physics:

Time is a magnitude measured by clocks. For Isaac Newton time is absolute and for Albert Einstein time is relative. For the Theory of relativity time is the fourth dimension of space.

2- Philosophy:

Time is a category nearby to space, matter, quantity, mind, consciousness, knowledge, substance, essence, existence, etc.

3- Religion:

Division of time into limited and eternal. It suggests the dogma of heaven or paradise where the saved will live for all eternity.

4- Philochrony:

Time is the measurement of duration and the dimension of becoming, not space. Time is relative, but inexorable.