"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Thursday, September 10, 2015


If we ask a group of people what do clocks measure? surely everybody would answer time. The point is that everybody could not explain what is time.

Time is the activity occurred (becoming) that separates two sequential instants (duration). In this definition that we have chosen it reflects that time is a duality: becoming-duration. The becoming is always in the present and duration relates two instants that can be both in the past or in the past one and in the future the other one.

Clocks work based on two elements:

1- a repetitive, constant and regular event (tic-tac).
2- a means that shows the increment of time (display).

The subject's chromnesia is a third element that establishes the relation between the two sequential instants or duration. Even being like that, time is objective but intelligible.

PS: The becoming-duration duality (time) replaces the previous becoming-time duality.

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