"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Saturday, March 9, 2019


A body can be at rest or moving depending on the frame of reference that is chosen. If the observer is at rest or moves with constant velocity, it is said to be an inertial frame of reference. If the movement of the observer is accelerated, it is said to be a non-inertial frame of reference.

In the case of time, it flows inexorably; there is no case where time seems to be stopped. As I have pointed out in another post, the center in the measure of time is not the observer (in Philochrony), but a fixed moment in the past called cut or beginning. All observers move away from a previously selected beginning. Although we are still, we keep moving inexorably away from the cut or beginning.

Philochron explanation:

1- We see changes or becoming (we age).
2- Time is defined by intuition (magnitive).
3- We measure time by relating two sequential moments, one the beginning (previous) and the other the end (later). The measure of time is duration.
4- Time is not the succession of changes as some believe. The succession of changes is movement. See the Philochron definition of time.

In the philochron explanation: we see, intuit and relate.

Elvis Sibilia

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