"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Monday, October 15, 2012


They are half right who claim that time does not exist, because as an abstract entity is transreal, does not exist in reality. First let's look at the definition of the becoming concept: the becoming is the continuous succession of changes or phenomena that are delimited by a start and an end. All physical changes have a beginning, a becoming and an end. Time is the interval between two moments or cuts (interruptions) arising from happening. As we see time is linked inextricably to the becoming which is real and palpable, so becoming-time duality exists independently of our minds. Time taken alone is just an idea or an abstract concept. When we go to the movies, the movie have a beginning, a becoming and an end. The becoming-time is so obvious and evident that doesn't requires proof or demonstration because we experience it every moment or time. The duration is the mathematical representation (magnitude) of the becoming-time obtained from a regular rhythm or periodic phenomenon in which we identify the beginning, the becoming and the end. It's said that the big bang originated the matter, energy, space and time. That before the Big Bang there was a highly dense singularity. The big bang is considered as time zero, or rather duration zero, because zero has no place in the becoming-time. If there was a singular point there was the becoming-time. In duration zero there is becoming, but is adopted as a convention. For example, 10 minutes are counted from zero, which is the first cut, the beginning of the interval. But zero is not the absence of becoming, It's a utility. Whether creation or explosion we have this very useful dual variable allows us to sort the facts and events in sequence: the becoming-time.

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