"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Philosophy and its branches

Philosophy is the form of social consciousness that pursues true knowledge through reflection and intuition. The methods of philosophy are reflection or self-knowledge and intuition.
Philosophy is the mother of all disciplines. Some disciplines have become independent and have become sciences. Psychology grew out of philosophy and became independent of philosophy in 1879 with Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory in Leizig, Germany.
The disciplines that have not yet departed from Philosophy are: Logic (the study of reasoning) and Gnoseology (Theory of knowledge). These two disciplines are from the realm of thought. Ethics (Morals) and Aesthetics (beauty) are in the realm of values. Ontology (the study of being) and Metaphysics (the study of what is) are in the realm of Being.
The most recent philosophical discipline is Philochrony, which deals with the study of the nature of time.
Even Isaac Newton's major work is called Natural Philosophy.

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