Testable predictions in Philochrony
These are testable predictions that support Philochrony as a science.
1- A person who is 70 years old or older will come to his or her end (death) first than a person who is 20 years old. This prediction is falsifiable if the 20-year-old dies first.
2- Periodic becoming provides us with the units of measurement of time. The rotation of the Earth gives us the duration of the day and the rotation of the Earth gives us the duration of the year.
3- Time is magnitive.
When a person dies, time follows their objective, subperceptible and measurable existence.
4- Duration is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. During the day they always happen in the same order: dawn, morning, afternoon and night.
5- Time is made up of the becoming-duration duality. The movement of the clock hands is becoming and the graduated dial is the duration.
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