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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


In general, causality is the relation between a cause and its effect. The law of causality has two forms: a primary and a secondary. In the primary form the identity of beings do act them a certain way. The cause is the nature of beings and the effect is the action of beings. In the secondary form of the law of causality we refer that the event A produces the event B. For example: the fire that destroyed a wooden house, the rise of temperature that melts the ice, reading that allows us to learn new knowledge, etc.

Time is an example of the elementary form of the law of causality. The identity of time, becoming (cause), produces the duration (effect). Becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience sequential changes. The duration is the increase of existence of things. Both, becoming and duration make a duality which is called time. For example, in a video the sound and the sequential images are becoming. The progress bar represents the duration. The timer indicates the elapsed time.

The identity or function of modern watches is to produce a continuous periodic event (tic-tac), its effect is measures time. In the case of sundials, their identity is to produce a shadow that shows the inclination of the Sun relative to a location on Earth. The identity of hourglasses is to allow pass small amounts of sand from a vial to another. The effect of all watches is measures time.

PS: The primary form of the law of causality is a consequence of the law of identity.


What is the difference between an instant and a moment?

The instant is zero-dimensional, is the time dot. In the instant there is no interval. The moment is a short or very short period in relation to another longer period. For example, the second is a moment in relation to the day, the day is a moment in relation to the year and the year is a moment in relation to an era or history. Moments are relative. Even what we think may be very long, in Astronomy may be just a moment. In the same way, what for a teenager can be a long time for an old man can be a moment.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Existence is the state of things to be real or ideal. The ideas have subjective existence and they are classified into logical, emotional and imaginary. Logical ideas are mathematical entities: numbers, figures and measurements. Real objects are material and therefore are objective.

Becoming-duration duality is real and its measurement, time, is a logical idea.  Measurements do not depend on the view of the subject, therefore, in a sense they are objective.

Now, the perception of time, what each individual perceives, is completely subjective, a false time.

Anyway, whether in reality or in the mind of the subject time exists objectively.

- Objective 1: It exists in the reality (table, light, motion, etc.)
- Objective 2: It exists in the subject, but it is an universal truth (numbers, figures and measurements).


The two perspectives of time are:

a) Spatial.

For this perspective time is the distance gone over at an uniform speed. Sometimes the units of time are used as a measurement of distance.

b) Flowing.

For this perspective time is the duration measured since a start moment set.

SPACE <----------------- TIME --------- -------> DURATION
A priori ...................................................... ...... intuition
Newton and Kant ............................................. Bergson and Sibilia
Physics ................................................... ......... Philochrony