"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Friday, November 22, 2019


The objective is real, relative to the object. The subjective is mental, relative to the subject.

The objective can be:
a) Concrete (a specific thing: table, chair, apple, house, etc).
b) Abstract (quality considered separately that is part of the concrete: length, mass, time, volume, etc.).

The subjective can be:
a) Abstract (love, hate, happiness, peace, etc).
b) Imaginary (it is unreal: dragon, mermaid, unicorn, etc).

Time is the property we abstract from the phenomena of occurring continually. From a clock we abstract a measure, the quantity of duration. Similarly, from a body we abstract its mass or its length.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA

Sunday, November 3, 2019


1- Philochrony is the formal science that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence.

2- Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible moments that goes from the past to the future.

3 - Duration is the permanence of beings (between a start and an end) in a certain physical state or situation. Duration is also the continuous occurrence of phenomena between a time interval.

4- Time is the measure of duration by an uniform periodic movement (UPM). Time is the regular becoming.

5 - Magnitive is the ineffable quality of time to be objective, imperceptible and calibrated.

6- Chromnesia is the temporary memory; it is where units of time are processed. Although we understand the units of time, sometimes we do not understand what time is.

Elvis Sibilia, Florida, USA