"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Saturday, February 2, 2013


A reference point is the specific place or situation used to orient us in space or in time. Different to the reference points of the space, in time, reference points are constant flowing, changing.

Space (Reference frames or the position of the observer):
- Cardinal Points
- Geographical coordinates
- The corner between two streets
- A house or a building
- A house wall or object in it
- Others

Time (Reference values or the passed interval):
- Movements of the Earth
- Clocks and calendars
- Cycle of life, cycle of pregnancy, a movie, a song, etc..
- Others

Why reference values in time?

Thinking is the act of intelligence which is the ability to handle abstract symbols. We can think of time and intuit it (It exists) but neither represent it nor imagine it. Using a measure of time (value), e.g. 30 sec, we think and intuit that interval.

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