Philochrony (from Greek philo: friend and khronos: time) is the theory that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence. According their duration things are classified in: Eternal, durable, perishable, ephemeral, fleeting and nonexistent. The concept of Philochrony was created on March 13, 2009. The concept of change-interval dualitiy on June 30, 2019.
Albert Einstein drove time as the fourth dimension of space to offer an explanation of gravity in his General theory of relativity. It appears that a fourth dimension is the explanation for some strange phenomena that occur in reality. This quantum principle is placed in the Sibilianism. 4DP means that particles exist in the fourth dimension. The particles are not subjected to the 3D space. The principle 4DP is a hypothesis that attempts to explain the quantum phenomena of the electron jump from one orbit to another one and quantum entanglement. The 4DP quantum principle is originated from the following dimensional model:
In Geometry, a straight line is a line with no curvature; a line with constant direction. The time straight line or philochron line is continuously making itself for sequential moments. In the philochron line there is a dot at a time on a constant becoming. This line has the particularity that it is abstract and objective, like all mathematical entities. This line is objective because we leave from the experience to relate two sequential moments and then set those ideas at every interval through a process of abstraction. The subject does not create the philochron line (time), just support it. Time is the ordered series of events that allows to set a past, a present and a future. The present or the now (becoming) move away continuously with respect to a reference moment (RM) in the past (duration). RM measures -----I------------------->----------------------- past present future The philochron line is the temporal reference system. Elvis Sibilia of America
In general, causality is the relation between a cause and its effect. The law of causality has two forms: a primary and a secondary. In the primary form the identity of beings do act them a certain way. The cause is the nature of beings and the effect is the action of beings. In the secondary form of the law of causality we refer that the event A produces the event B. For example: the fire that destroyed a wooden house, the rise of temperature that melts the ice, reading that allows us to learn new knowledge, etc. Time is an example of the elementary form of the law of causality. The identity of time, becoming (cause), produces the duration (effect). Becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience sequential changes. The duration is the increase of existence of things. Both, becoming and duration make a duality which is called time. For example, in a video the sound and the sequential images are becoming. The progress bar represents the duration. The timer indicates the elapsed time. The identity or function of modern watches is to produce a continuous periodic event (tic-tac), its effect is measures time. In the case of sundials, their identity is to produce a shadow that shows the inclination of the Sun relative to a location on Earth. The identity of hourglasses is to allow pass small amounts of sand from a vial to another. The effect of all watches is measures time. PS: The primary form of the law of causality is a consequence of the law of identity.
What is the difference between an instant and a moment? The instant is zero-dimensional, is the time dot. In the instant there is no interval. The moment is a short or very short period in relation to another longer period. For example, the second is a moment in relation to the day, the day is a moment in relation to the year and the year is a moment in relation to an era or history. Moments are relative. Even what we think may be very long, in Astronomy may be just a moment. In the same way, what for a teenager can be a long time for an old man can be a moment.
Existence is the state of things to be real or ideal. The ideas have subjective existence and they are classified into logical, emotional and imaginary. Logical ideas are mathematical entities: numbers, figures and measurements. Real objects are material and therefore are objective. Becoming-duration duality is real and its measurement, time, is a logical idea. Measurements do not depend on the view of the subject, therefore, in a sense they are objective. Now, the perception of time, what each individual perceives, is completely subjective, a false time. Anyway, whether in reality or in the mind of the subject time exists objectively. PS: - Objective 1: It exists in the reality (table, light, motion, etc.) - Objective 2: It exists in the subject, but it is an universal truth (numbers, figures and measurements).
The two perspectives of time are: a) Spatial. For this perspective time is the distance gone over at an uniform speed. Sometimes the units of time are used as a measurement of distance. b) Flowing. For this perspective time is the duration measured since a start moment set. SPACE <----------------- TIME --------- -------> DURATION A priori ...................................................... ...... intuition Newton and Kant ............................................. Bergson and Sibilia Physics ................................................... ......... Philochrony
According to Albert Einstein, time is what clocks measure. But time is an indirect measure because the duration of something does not affect directly the clock. The clock only indicates the position of the Sun relative to a point on the Earth. It looks like more a space measurement that temporary. Reference Proposition: We see the becoming, we intuit the duration and time is intelligible. The duration is the increased existence of something. Operationally time is defined as: "t is (d), i" that is read: time is the measure of the duration since a start time set. Process: 1- The clock shows 10:37 AM. 2- We look the time in the clock. 3- We intuit the 10 hours since midnight. 4- We intuit the 37 minutes since 10:00 AM. 5- We think the time 10:37 AM. Without step 3 and 4 we only see that the hands go over the graduated dial of the clock.
If we ask a group of people what do clocks measure? surely everybody would answer time. The point is that everybody could not explain what is time. Time is the activity occurred (becoming) that separates two sequential instants (duration). In this definition that we have chosen it reflects that time is a duality: becoming-duration. The becoming is always in the present and duration relates two instants that can be both in the past or in the past one and in the future the other one. Clocks work based on two elements: 1- a repetitive, constant and regular event (tic-tac). 2- a means that shows the increment of time (display). The subject's chromnesia is a third element that establishes the relation between the two sequential instants or duration. Even being like that, time is objective but intelligible. PS: The becoming-duration duality (time) replaces the previous becoming-time duality.
1- Physics: Time is a magnitude measured by clocks. For Isaac Newton time is absolute and for Albert Einstein time is relative. For the Theory of relativity time is the fourth dimension of space. 2- Philosophy: Time is a category nearby to space, matter, quantity, mind, consciousness, knowledge, substance, essence, existence, etc. 3- Religion: Division of time into limited and eternal. It suggests the dogma of heaven or paradise where the saved will live for all eternity. 4- Philochrony: Time is the measurement of duration and the dimension of becoming, not space. Time is relative, but inexorable.
Let's see these statements: 1- Gravity is a fictitious force. 2- It does not depends on particles such as gravitons. 3- Gravity has no charge, so it is impossible to shield it. These three statements led me to assume that gravity is a fictitious force that depends on the Law of the astral inertia. The postulates of this law are: 1- Objects on the ground or near the surface of the earth, or any other star, follow the movement of this. 2- The astral inertia is responsible that some starts revolve around others.
3- The movement of the stars was originated since the Big Bang.
The Martin Heidegger's existentialist philosophy is based on the concept of dasein or being-there. For Heidegger the dasein is time, existence. The dasein refers to the present. While the dasein-noch or being-there-still refers to the duration. In the duration we identified two sequential moments that determine an interval. When we exclaim in front of an object It's still there! we are using our sense of duration that is the chromnesia. Time indicates how long is the interval. For Henri Bergson duration is a quality of consciousness. He rejected the mathematical time. Bergson did not relate the tangible becoming with time. For Bergson duration is a subjective becoming. In Spanish, being-there-still is ser-ahí-todavía. Elvis Sibilia
The philochroanalisis applied to clocks is to determine what is the duration, what is the becoming and what is the time in each of these devices. 1- The hourglass In this device the whole sand is the duration, the continuous fall of the sand from the upper to the lower bulb is the becoming and the amount of sand that contains the lower bulb is the past time. The amount of sand containing the upper bulb is the future time. 2- The clock hands The complete graduated dial is the duration (12 hours), the movement of the hands is the becoming and the time at a given moment is time. 3. The digital clock Similar to above, the 12 or 24 hours is the duration, the oscillating circuit is the becoming and the time at a given moment is time. 4- In the video playback we can see the total duration of the same (eg 5:16). The succession of images and sound is the becoming and a timer is going to indicating the elapsed time. All these cases can be represented by the straight line of time or philochron line: ....... Becoming ----------> ---------- 10 (Duration) ............. 5 (Time) PS: The duration is the not chronological measurement of becoming. In the duration we express the term from beginning to end of beings and phenomena in the reality. It also determines how long it takes an event to occur.
The notion of line or straight line was introduced by ancient mathematicians to represent straight objects with negligible width and depth. Lines are an idealization of such objects. Until the seventeenth century, lines were defined like this: "The line is the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width. The straight line is that which is equally extended between its points". Wikipedia The time straight line or philochron line is continuously making itself for sequential moments. In the philochron line there is a dot at a time on a constant becoming. This line has the particularity that it is abstract and objective, like all mathematical entities. This line is objective because we leave from the experience to relate two sequential moments and then set those ideas at every interval through a process of abstraction. The subject does not create the philochron line (time), just support it. Representations of space and time: - Space coordinate: (extension, stillness). The observer can be at any dot of the coordinate. ---------------------------> .......... length ........ sense <-------------------------- - Time coordinate: (sequential becoming, the double arrow). The observer only can be in the present. ................... sense and becoming ----------------------->> ------------------- ........ past .......... present ....... future Note: The Theory of the becoming-time duality was fragmented into various previous concepts and messages.
Measurements of becoming* are time and duration. These measurements respond to the questions: How long does/did It last? and When did It happen? respectively.
Time is the chronological measurement of becoming. In the time we determine the moment in what a fact occurs within an ordered series of events. Examples of time are the time (clock) and date (calendar).
The duration is the not chronological measurement of becoming. In the duration we determine the permanence of beings and phenomena in reality. We also determine how long an event takes to occur. Examples of duration are timers and the age of a person.
Time and duration are typical of the macrocosm. As the quantum becoming is governed by chance, duration and time are not valid in the microcosm.
* Becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience sequential changes.
I've been thinking about the units of measurement for the new magnitude of philochrony (fi) φ = t . ΔT. I've seen some videos about the operation of the microwaves, electric ovens and refrigerators to perform the experiments. The formula has changed from φ = t . T to φ = t . ΔT so to cover a larger amount of thermal phenomena including an increase or decrease of temperature. Let's consider these examples: 1- Positive philochrony: increase of temperature - A cup of water is taken with an ambient temperature of 26 'C. - The water is introduced in the microwave for a time of 3 min. - At the end of the 3 min is obtained a water temperature of 78 'C. - Calculating: φ = 3 min (78-26 'C) = 3 min x 52 'C = 156 min x 'C. In this case the philochrony is 156 min x 'C (positive). 2- Negative philochrony: decrease of temperature - A cup of water is taken with an ambient temperature of 27 'C. - The water is introduced in the freezer for a time of 3 min. - At the end of the 3 min is obtained a water temperature of 25 'C. - Calculating: φ = 3 min (25-27 'C) = 3 min x -2 'C = -6 min x 'C. In this case the philochrony is -6 min x 'C (negative).
ENTROPY -----------------------------------> hot ........ HEAT .......... cold body body The decrease of the entropy tends to thermal equilibrium. During the entropy work is generated. This is the second law of Thermodynamics. PHILOCHRONY .................. fluidity ----------------->> ---------------- past ......... present ........ future One of the arrows represents the sense of time and the other one represents the fluidity or becoming. Entropy is a phenomenon of Thermodynamics and philochrony is verified in all reality. In the entropy the bodies, hot and cold, are in contact; in the philochrony the present gets away from the past more and more. In the philochrony: 1) beings and phenomena arise, last and disappear, 2) everything has a beginning and an end, 3) It is produced the aging and the material deterioration.
The First Cause of the Universe (CPU for its initials in Spanish) is the philochrony or philochron time. The force and energy are the Second Cause (CSU). The subject's action is the Third Cause (CTU). .......... FOR EXAMPLE ...................... CSU 1- The food cooking .................. heat from the stove 2- The animal vitality ................ heat produced in the combustion of food 3- The light of a bulb ................. electricity In case 1 the food cooking depends on how long heat is applied. In case 2 the life of animals depends on the duration of production of heat due to food intake. In case 3 the bulb will emit light "while" It receives the flow of electric current. The will and the subject's needs form the Third Cause of the Universe or CTU. Throughout time man has been building and developing different societies. Another example of philochrony or CPU is the movement of the stars, where the CSU is gravity. Conclusions: 1- From this point of view time is considered as a tangible magnitude taking into account the effects generated indirectly. 2- Multiplying the time times a form of energy is obtained a new magnitude: The philochrony, represented by the greek letter fi φ. Its main equation is φ = t.T (time times constant temperature or average). In the case of the light bulb the formula is φ = t.V (V = voltage). 3- The traditional time is the duration magnitude and It is intangible. 4- The philochron time or philochrony is the amount of change (movement and transformation) and It is tangible indirectly. Elvis Sibilia
The relational analogical reasoning is the method used by the Philochrony for its conclusions. The Philochrony leave from the following relations of concepts of Physics: PROPERTY ....... QUANTITY ............ MAGNITUDE space ................ extension ........... length, area, volume matter .............. mass .................. weight becoming ......... duration ............. time, eternity Without becoming no duration, and without duration no time. Definitions: - Becoming: It is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience sequential changes. - Duration: is the definite permanence of things and their changes in reality (time). The indefinite duration is eternity. In the duration we intuit the occurred total activity (OTA). Without this intuition, time would be a spatial measurement. The OTA is directly proportional to the time period. - Time: It is the continuous series of sequential moments that establish a past, a present and a future.
The term dimension is equivocal because it refers to: - The direction in which space is projected and the direction that time follows. - The importance or scope that an event can get. - The magnitude that defines a physical phenomenon. The term coordinate is univocal because it refers only to the line that serves to determine the position of a point, and (axis or plane) to which it refers. Some mathematicians make get dimensions to 12, but there are three spatial coordinates and time coordinate is one. Note that the space is projected in three directions and time follows one direction (historical or sequential) and one way (before-after). Becoming and all time units pass sequentially.
THE BECOMING-TIME DUALITY The becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to undergo changes continuously. The duration is the continuity or term of beings and phenomena in reality: the world and the universe. Time is the sequential distance occurred between two fixed moments. The becoming-time is the continuous succession of ordered moments from start to finish. No becoming no duration, and no duration no time. Time is the dimension of becoming, not space.
In the space-time graph O1 jumps. Following the principle of relativity the O1 sees that he describes a straight line (up and down). The still O2 sees the O1 describes a parabola. Why the Theory of Relativity does not take into account the straight trajectory of O1? Because its interest is to say that space is curved, so they can explain erroneously gravity.
Man has always thought of the relation between space and time, from the point of view of the placement of an object or an event. Einstein was able to visualize the result of putting together two observers in different reference systems. Time is not a dimension of space. The sequence 1-2-1 is the link between a quiet observer and another that is moving at nearly the speed of light.
The sequence 1-2-1 is inexorable regardless of the reference frame.
The lines O1 (blue) and O2 (green) correspond to the trajectory of the observers. The brown triangle represents the light cone and the small circles represent the signals from the detectors (events) when the light arrive to them. For the O1 one of the detectors of O2 turns on first, later the both his turn on simultaneously and finally the other one of O2 turns on. For the O2 one of the detectors of O1 turns on first, later the both his turn on simultaneously and finally the other one of O1 turns on. In the graph 2 we see the drawing that makes the O2 where his timeline would be vertical and the line of O1 would be inclined.
In conclusion, both observers watch the same sequence 1-2-1 of events. This sequence is inexorable.
For more information see the video: Length Contraction and Space-Time animation.
With the Theory of Inexorability stops to be relevant the influence of speed (normal and fast) over time and the reference frame of observation (inertial and non-inertial). What really important is that time passes continuously with no return to the past. All observers, in spite of their reference frame, register that a thrown object by one observer always arrives at the same destination.
The Theory of Inexorability offers an explanation that unifies the Newton's absolute time and the Einstein's relative time. Also this theory unifies all frames of reference without using transforms.
The postulates of this theory are:
1- Time, in any frame of reference, is inexorable or absolute in the sense that the succession of moments is continuous and irreversible. Time (becoming) is unstoppable and unrepeatable. This postulate is represented by --> t (arrow of time).
2- From all frames of reference an object thrown by an observer reaches inexorably the same destination. It is not considered the observed trajectory. This postulate is represented by = d (same destination).
In the picture above the object thrown by the observer on the plane will fall inexorably into their hands.
Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday (July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:
"... Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible. But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena."
The cosmological truth is scattered in various scientists:
1- Isaac Newton: a) Right: The Law of universal gravitation. b) Wrong: infinite speed of gravity.
2- Albert Einstein: a) Right: relativity of time with respect to speed. To set the speed of light (c) as the maximum speed in the universe. b) Wrong: to affirm that time is the fourth dimension of space. To affirm that a large mass warps space-time.
3- Nikola Tesla: a) Right: to hold that space can not be bent, for the simple reason that it can not have properties. b) Wrong: the belief in the existence of ether.
4- Philochrony: a) Right: time is independent with respect to the distance (space). Time is not a dimension of space, but becoming. The bending of light passing near the sun is due to the gravity of the sun and not the curvature of space-time.
Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday (July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:
"... Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible. But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena." From:'s_Dynamic_Theory_of_Gravity
The Philochrony defines the concepts of becoming, duration and time; and makes a connection among these concepts. The key of my conclusions is to affirm that time is the dimension of becoming and not space. My ideas have been rejected by some people, including physicists, they were not going to glimpse a truth as Philochrony. The concept of becoming is philosophical and it's not used in the natural sciences.
The laboratory of the Philochrony is the extensive experience combined with a broad reflection on the theme of time. At every stage of our lives we think of a different unit of time; days, weeks, months, years, decades and even centuries. That is why very old people perceive the days fly and that a year passes like a blink. Clocks measure time that we intuit as a continuous succession of moments. The points of a given period of time not coexist, that is why I came to the conclusion that time is intangible. The time is not perceived sensorialy, we perceive the changes.
Space: n. the three-dimensional area in which material objects are located: Events happen in time and space. To depend: to rely on. Time depends on the becoming* (matter), no space (distance), hence becoming-time duality arises. The connection between time and space is set to motion. Prediction: - Two synchronized atomic clocks located in the same room in a house in New York will always mark the same time. - If I take one of the clocks and took him to London by land or sea, the two clocks continue to mark the same time. Just maybe if I transport one of the clocks by plane would mark a very minimal difference. - Eliminating high speed, distance doesn't make clocks have different hours. Of course, not considering the difference in time zones between New York and London. * Becoming: is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experiment changes continuously.
The space-time graphic is valid to explain time dilation, but it is not valid to explain gravity as Einstein suggested.
Time is independent with respect to space (graphic 1), but It's relative with respect speed (graphic 2). Note that in graphic 2 the time has slowed due to high velocity. Let's remember that the letters a and b represent the trajectory of the body or observer and the trajectory of his motion respectively.
The Theory of Relativity considers time as a dimension of space. For classical Physics and Philochrony time is independent of space.
In the graphic 1 the observer A is to 2 meters of the obs. B. The trajectory of the obs. A is a straight vertical line. Although the obs. A is still time passes continuously. In graphic 2 the obs. A moves away from the obs. B at a speed of 1 m/s. His trajectory in the graphic is a inclined straight line. In the graphic 3 we change the distance for height in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis remains unchanged. If the obs. A jumps up its trajectory is a curve called a parabola, assuming, of course, that a force of gravity pulls him down. The Philochrony differentiates between the trajectory of the obs. A, as an individual, of the trajectory of his movements. In the space-time graphics the trajectory of beings (bodies or objects) is different of the trajectory of their movements. So in the graphic 4 there are two trajetories: the observer's one such as existing being (a) and his movement (b). What does this tell us? That the vertical axis is while the time coordinate and a coordinate space. In the graphic 3 that we see it's a parabolic movement that takes place in two spatial coordinates. The obs. A jumps, and during the jump the earth has moved. In conclusion: 1- The trajectory of beings (bodies and objects) and phenomena in the space-time graphics is always a vertical straight line. 2- The curved trajectory correspond to a movement in a graphic of two spatial coordinates. 3- The Albert Einstein's space-time is wrong. Elvis Sibilia
The dimensions are characterized by direction and sense. The abstract timeline: -------------------I-----------------> ..... past .... present ..... future Space is tangible. Time has historic direction (not spatial) and sense from the past to future. The future is historic in potency. An abstract line is required to represent the intangible time to be intelligible. If space had one dimension beings would be lines and points. They would know the forward-backward (and viceversa), but not the up-down or left-right. In the time we know the beginning-end, but not the end-beginning. The natural sense of time is of the clock hands. Time is the dimension of becoming, not space. Seven problems related with time: (The choice of the Philochrony is in blue.) 1- real or illusion 2- reversible or irreversible 3- dimensional or dimensionless 4- objective or subjective 5- independent or spatial 6- tangible or intangible 7- intelligible or unintelligible
The answer to this question depends on how we perceive time: a) changes are sensitive (becoming) and, b) intervals (duration) and measurements (time) are intelligible. The becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience changes. The duration is the term or continuity of beings and phenomena in reality: the world and the universe. The time is the interval or distance between two moments. The becoming-time is the continuous succession of ordered moments from beginning to end. No becoming no duration, no duration no time. The concepts of becoming, duration and time are intelligible and their actions or manifestations are changes. Notes: 1- The transreality is the set of abstract nouns. 2- The transchrony is the intelligibility of becoming-time and duration. 3- In general, all concepts are abstract, but concrete have a tangible reference. Elvis Sibilia Hernández
A magnitude is the quantity of a particular property. The fundamental magnitudes are: length, mass and time. According to their nature magnitudes can be: physical, geometrical and philochron. The length, mass, force, speed, etc. are physical magnitudes. In geometry are magnitudes: length, area, volume, pi, angle, etc. The adjective philochron means: - relative to Philochrony - All last, long or short, but last. Thus we say that time is a philochron magnitude because this is the magnitude of the duration. Time is not a physical magnitude because it is not tangible. Let's consider the following relation: ELEMENT PROPERTY MAGNITUDE space extension length matter mass weight becoming duration time