"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The Theory of Relativity considers time as a dimension of space. For classical Physics and Philochrony time is independent of space.

In the graphic 1 the observer A is to 2 meters of the obs. B. The trajectory of the obs. A is a straight vertical line. Although the obs. A is still time passes continuously.
In graphic 2 the obs. A moves away from the obs. B at a speed of 1 m/s. His trajectory in the graphic is a inclined straight line.
In the graphic 3 we change the distance for height in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis remains unchanged. If the obs. A jumps up its trajectory is a curve called a parabola, assuming, of course, that a force of gravity pulls him down.

The Philochrony differentiates between the trajectory of the obs. A, as an individual, of the trajectory of his movements. In the space-time graphics the trajectory of beings (bodies or objects) is different of the trajectory of their movements. So in the graphic 4 there are two trajetories: the observer's one such as existing being (a) and his movement (b). What does this tell us? That the vertical axis is while the time coordinate and a coordinate space. In the graphic 3 that we see it's a parabolic movement that takes place in two spatial coordinates. The obs. A jumps, and during the jump the earth has moved.

In conclusion:

1- The trajectory of beings (bodies and objects) and phenomena in the space-time graphics is always a vertical straight line.

2- The curved trajectory correspond to a movement in a graphic of two spatial coordinates.

3- The Albert Einstein's space-time is wrong.

Elvis Sibilia

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