"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Friday, September 6, 2019


The concepts of matter, space and time are primary concepts, so it is difficult to define them. Matter is a substance, but it is the only one that exists. Space is a emptiness, but it is the only one that exists. And time is a duration, but it is the only one that exists. However, the concepts of substance, emptiness and duration are broader than the concepts of matter, space and time respectively.

The character of time is obtained from its definition: time is the duration of things (objects and bodies) in a given physical state or situation. The states can be: in motion, at rest, with life, in waiting and in existence.

In hourglasses we notice a periodic phenomenon. In clock hands, these move at different rates by measuring different intervals. In digital clocks, the digits last one hour, one minute and one second respectively in rest state. Rest is a form of change, it is a phenomenon.

Time has the character of being a magnitude, of being able to divide into sequential intervals and of having as a basis the changes that things experience.

Elvis Sibilia

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